David Haines Iraq
Unfortunately it is with sad news the thug group we call the Islamic State otherwise known as ISIS have decided to unjustly murder their latest victim, British Aid worker David Haines.
It comes a few days after David’s family had pleaded with ISIS to get in touch with the family and not carry out their threats.
Sadly, ISIS have done what they have already done to thousands of others.
It is a terrible situation and those captured by ISIS face a sickening fate. We at Baghdad Invest condemn such actions as seriously Un-Islamic and way out of line of what is normality. For now, the family of David Haines will be suffering tremendous angst at news of their loved one’s passing.
David will be in a better place now, hopefully his God will be taking good care of him.
As we go on, we can say Iraq is very much turning the tide on ISIS in the fight to take back land and push ISIS out of Iraq. The murder of David Haines is an indication of the levels of desperation in which ISIS are feeling.
David Cawthorne Haines
Born in East Yorkshire but raised Perthshire, 44-year-old Mr Haines was in Syria as an aid worker just before his capture in March 2013. David has been to multiple middle east countries in a similar capacity working to bring aid to those who need it.
David’s case really came to light after he appeared at the end of the video of which ISIS had beheaded American journalist Steven Sotloff.
Rest in Peace – David Haines.
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